Monday, November 30, 2009

Growing Stronger Through Trials

my stepfather gave me these thoughts yesterday, during a rough patch in my own life, and it encouraged me, hope it helps you as well...

Growing Stronger Through Trials

By: Charles Stanley

Adversity is one of life’s inescapable experiences, and none of us are ever happy when it affects us personally. A popular theology says, ‘Just trust God and think rightly; then you won’t have hardship.’ In searching the Scriptures, however, we see that God has advanced His greatest servants through adversity, not prosperity.

God isn’t interested in making a generation of faint-hearted Christians. Instead, He uses trials to train up stalwart, spirit-filled soldiers for Jesus Christ. Most of us don’t even want to hear about difficulties, but it is far better to learn about adversity before you experience it than to face a hardship and wonder, Lord, what on earth are you doing?

We live in a fallen world, so like it or not, sin and its consequences surround us. Hardship is a part of life; it can cause disillusionment with Christianity. When we encounter such difficulty, we typically consider the ordeal unfair, unbelievable, and unbearable. Our attitude is usually, ‘its not fair God.’ But we should be asking, ‘What is God’s point of view?’

If our lives had no persecution or trials – if we had everything we wanted and none of the problems – what would we know about our heavenly Father? Our view of Him would be unscriptural and completely out of balance. Without adversity, we would never understand who God is or what he is like. God proves His faithfulness as He allows some situations from which He must rescue us.

Do you want the kind of faith that is based on only on what you have heard or read? Friend, it is never your truth until God works it into your life. Most of us memorized these words before we even understood their meaning: ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me’ (verse 4 KJV). But the 23rd Psalm didn’t become a living reality until we found ourselves in the valley.

Adversity can be a deadly discouragement… or God’s greatest tool for advancing spiritual growth. Your response will make all the difference. Remember that God has a purpose for the hardship He has allowed, and its fits with His wonderful plan for your life.

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