Monday, November 30, 2009

subtle yet significant...

I seriously have a problem with people who use 'super star' analogies when trying to encourage communities to be more enthusiastic about their personal faith. Encouraging people to be like spiritual Michael Jordon, or Tiger Woods is very short sighted. I am sure they have good intentions, but they are completely blind to the fact that they are subtly, but significantly making the 'yoke/difficulties of life' even more heavier by placing more expectations upon their peeps. They are oblivious to the fact that perhaps Michael Jordan, and Tiger are 'slaves' to the fame, people's expectations, their own inadequacies about themselves and consequently kill themselves to stand out! Indirectly, spiritual teachers make their peeps, 'slaves to religiosity.' That is not what Jesus came to us for, he came to make our 'yoke' lighter, and allow us to be weak because he is strong, i.e., accept yourself, Jesus says, 'I take away all your shame about your self-perception that you are not enough or fall short.' I love you and accept you just as you are which is counter cultural to a world that accepts on particular criteria. when we gradually over time, correct distorted images of God/ourselves and feel his complete acceptance through christian community we naturally pray, read word because it is our strength, refuge. We are not called to be some type of 'steroid' christian that is super disciplined, if so, then why do we need Jesus, we can achieve our own acceptance, right?
I personally feel that spiritual teachers who preach 'steroid' Christianity fail to understand the difference of their life from the rest of the world. Minsters live an almost detached from the rest of the 'production' crazed world. We are surrounded by christian 'things/people' but y'all are on the front lines so to speak, so to ask or demand y'all to live like us is unfair! People come to christian communities for release, to take off 'yoke', not to receive more! I am not saying that prayer and fasting are bad, they are biblical, but not as a means to and end, the end being intimacy with God or his favor! Rather prayer and fasting is more understood by me as simple vehicles of communication with God, we are filled with so much distraction we need to be reminded by God that he is here and very present (very general explanation of prayer and fasting).

Anyways, to all those pastors preaching 'steroid' Christianity, watch out, Accidental Minister is watching!

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